Arts in Provence

Welcome to the Arts in Provence Blog. This is a blog about life in Les Bassacs, a small hamlet in the South of France, where we organise summer painting courses. You can find out about the courses by going to our website.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


For the last three weeks Les Bassacs has been unusually bucolic.  We have had 6 rams and an enormous Billie goat called Balthazar lodged in the village.  Balthazar sports a bell around his neck identical to the bell we use for announcing supper, and has occasionally confused us all by ringing it around the village on one of his escapades.  He is able to jump or climb the retaining walls of his pen and, being a sociable animal, has got into the habit of looking for company in our ruelle.  He is quite amenable and docile and will be lead by the collar back up the lane to rejoin the rams.

a chastened Balthazar being led home by Isabelle

Balthazar demonstrating his climbing abilities

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