Arts in Provence

Welcome to the Arts in Provence Blog. This is a blog about life in Les Bassacs, a small hamlet in the South of France, where we organise summer painting courses. You can find out about the courses by going to our website.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Rebecca Hind

We are very sad to learn that Rebecca Hind, who taught here at Les Bassacs for many years, has died.  She was a popular and talented teacher who will be missed by all who knew her.

She died in the early hours of Tuesday the 4th of July. Our thoughts are with her son and daughter and her partner Brian Catling, who will all feel her loss keenly.

Her funeral will be at 11 am on Friday the  14th of July at Dorchester Abbey , Dorchester on Thames  OX10 7HH
There will be a collection in aid of AGBI instead of flowers.
The service will be followed by refreshments in the Abbey and cloister gardens.
All those attending  are encouraged to wear colour.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Les Bassacs wildlife

We are in the middle of a drought, the summer has been lovely and hot but dry.  We have been treated to visits from a variety of fauna with some unusual sightings.   We have seen three snakes in the garden , this one David spotted making its way up the wall after bird's eggs.  We identified it as a ladder snake.

We found this tree frog clinging onto our front door!

A giant grasshopper by the pool.

And some exhausted painters too!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Burying the wires

The hameau is having its electricity and telephone wires buried which has led to a great deal of hole-digging, noise and dust.

Little by little the work has progressed during the spring.

Now we are waiting for the EDF to come and disconnect the old supply and connect us to the buried wires.  In the meantime the work has finished and they have resurfaced our little street!

For a couple of months we were having to go across country to get into the hameau as the road was closed.  Driving through the garrigue made was such a nice diversion.  The wild thyme was in full flower and I often stopped with a car full of shopping to cut some for the afternoon cooking session.  I also happened across a tiny clutch of garlic flowers blooming under the olive trees between Les Bassacs and Les Cordiers.